

Ikat Style

I've been loving ikat prints for the past several years now.  They remind me of the Southwest.  Desert sands, cactus forests, snakeskins and the wild frontier!  Ikat takes me to a warm, rustic place.

Anyway, so I made a pair of pants out of this cool navy ikat print.  
And over the weekend, I plucked up these little boot-sandals in Santee Alley, a fun outside street market in DTLA's Garment District.

Ikat is one of those statement prints that goes with almost anything.  And this subtler navy print was calling me to do something with it.  I also made these pants in an elegant flamingo print, polka dots and plaid.  Yeah, I'm done with making pants for now.

As much as I enjoy ikat, I actually only have one other article in my closet with this style print: a maxi dress of phenomenal proportions and still the most versatile piece I own to date.  I definitely plan to have a couple more ikat items, especially since it comes in so many different designs!

Have a fabulous week and come back on Thursday to see my Valentines visuals for the new Year!


  1. Ahhh; your invisible Ikat chair as a prop (third pic-like this pose SO MUCH) matching the Ikat britches very well; you ROCK!

  2. I love this on you. You rock it well. Ikat is popular in Northern California. I predict an upsurge of this fabric because it works well for traveling, particularly, in climates like India( which is the home of Ikat) A couple of friends owned the first store in Berkeley that sold it in mass retail. Now they use Ikat as signature fabrics for furnishings. You can see their work here. This is not a paid endorsement, but if you come to Northern California, you'll find their store a solid international find for wholesalers and they have retail sales as well. Here is a link:
    I'm convinced Ikat will go places in fashion once again. A tip: When Laura designed clothes she combined it with cotton lace. Your shirt and shoes brought out it's classic features. Thanks so much for styling this piece.

    1. Thanks so much for educating us, Sandy; I always wondered where Ikat originated from! :-)

    2. Awesome, Sandy thank you for this!! I do plan on visiting Northern Cali again and will have to visit this place as I have a lot of plans for more ikat! Thanks for reading and commenting!

  3. Wow! Loving this look on you. Not sure I could pull it off but I'm so in love with those pants. They're so FUN (yes all caps :P)

    Andréa Christine | Eyewear Giveaway!

    1. Thanks so much, Andrea! They definitely are so fun to wear!

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