

The 3 Jeans & Tees

I have been trying to perfect a few jeans-and-white-tee looks for years and I think once I do, it'll solve all my life problems: The Boyfriend, The Classic and The Babe.  These are looks I've labeled personally as they are three looks that I tend to alternate between constantly - as do many other women.  One is casual, one is a bit preppy and one is sexy.  I already found the The Boyfriend, but I'm still working on the other two.  

This was supposed to be The Classic look but as it turns out, I'm not quite there yet.
 Because, as many of you probably already know, finding that perfect delicious pair of denim that makes you look and feel dreamy is pretty difficult (and time consuming if you really go head to head with the challenge).  Finding 3 pairs is a bit harder.  Although, once you've found one, it's kind of all down hill from there because you've broken the code.  
I will say after years of designing scores of tees, I have found the exact 3 tees that I've been dreaming of for the three looks.  So I'm getting closer.   This tee ended up being a wee bit too cropped for these jeans and The Classic look that I was trying to achieve so oh well.  Back to the drawing board.
I can't wait to show you the trio of looks once I finish them.  In fact it might be fun to try yourself!  Because it's all interpretation: The Boyfriend to me is slouchy, worn denim with a huge drapey tee, The Classic is vintage high waist denim with a stiffer crew neck tee, and The Babe is tight denim that has a bit of stretch with a cropped tee.  And it can all look differently to someone else, which makes them signature statements.  What are your favorite jeans-and-tee looks?

See you on Monday for an awesome new feature and a knock out ensemble!!


  1. super cute! will you share where you picked up the items!

    1. Hi Moraa! I got my white rattan heels from Anthropologie, my denim is vintage 501 Levis and the tee I made :) Thanks for visiting!

  2. Love the pairing of your tee shirt with these jeans. Tee shirts are hard to find too, and jeans( don't get me started) My ideal pair of jeans would give the appearance of a jean from the hips to the waist( except that the fabric would be light and stretchy giving one a "maternity jean" feel, but of course physically would not look like maternity jeans.

    In essence, the right jean fabric is what I'm looking for. Although I love the style of my jeans(classic); after I eat, the waist to the rise feels to rigid and tight.

    When you design the ideal jeans, please let me know.
    And would love some good tee tops as well.

    Love your designs.

    Thanks for taking time out of your busy day to do a blog post.

    1. Thanks Sandy! I know, the right material for denim is crucial for style and comfort. I love denim with a little stretch and nowadays, all denim has stretch in it to accommodate so many different shapes. They were much more rigid back then with fit. I agree with the classics - I have to be aware where I'm eating when I eat them or else I'm self conscious the rest of the day. I'll keep ya in the loop on my findings and if you come across the perfect pair for yourself, email me!!
