

Organize Your Bag, Change Your Life!

The contents of a woman's bag (and it's arrangement) can reveal a lot. 

A couple weeks ago, I was doing some online browsing of this season's handbags. A bag has to go with your life. It needs to help you. Improve you. Or else it really just ends up being, well, baggage. And who needs that?
So while considering the size bag I would need to weather my fabulously creative, everyday, adventurous, but hopelessly casual life, I went into my closet and got out the bag I've been using for the last 6 or so years (a Rebecca Minkoff MAB) and dumped out all the contents...
What originally began as a simple gauge of what type of bag to get next, ended up being a much needed emergency spontaneous bag makeover. The photo above is literally what is typically seen in my bag.

But..but I'm such an organized minimalist. 
What happened??

Fabric samples and measuring tape from daily fabric trips for clients, cards and cash here and there, tissues, dog treats and tic tacs scattered with loose parking change. Not to mention a random, clearly not meant for travel Nesquik bottle of syrup... But let me explain. 

Because I own with purpose (meaning I do not buy random stuff I don't need), all of this stuff, despite being in disarray, is necessary. For one reason or another. So instead of upgrading my bag just yet, I decided to upgrade my habits first. Meaning, I'm not going to buy another $500+ bag to open it up and have it look like the scene above okay? I will rather have it look like this breath of fresh air below:

Chocolate covered raisins from my favorite cafe/patisserie, Bottega Louis - instead of the Nesquik travesty. If I'm going to indulge, why not have something special? Blotting paper by Paul & Joe instead of the balled up tissue paper. Dog treats are now kept in a black cinch sac I found from an old pair of earrings. (yay! my mints won't taste like dog treats!) My samples are neatly safety-pinned and my cards and cash are pinned by a Cufflinks Inc. money clip (I hate wallets). Tic tacs are upgraded to mini Altoids in a tin and I splurged and bought some herby perfume scented deodorant by Acqua di Parma. Not shown are my keys, measuring tape, hand sanitizer and lady necessities which are all kept in pockets/compartments for easy use. Ahhhhhh.

With my cute little treats all classy and organized, I have a much better idea of what my next bag will be.
More on that later!


  1. I sure do appreciate this so much right now! Pocketbook organization is a must and a PLUS. It used to irk me so much when carrying a ginormous purse only to constant dig to try to find one item amongst 99 others; ridiculous, right? AND, my theme song to this? Of course it's Erykah Badu: BAG LADY.
    (Baaagg gon miss your bus, cuz you got too much stuff....pack light)

  2. Yes!

    I am curious to see what your bag choices are. Our styles are very (frighteningly) simliar (reason im in love) .. and I've been looking for a good bag to fit my style for SO long to no avail.
    Happy searching!


    1. Yay! I love when I have a style mate :) Thanks for the love! I have been searching for.ever. I'm really liking bucket bags buuuuut are they easy to use? I'm not sure how I feel about a drawstring closure... Anyway, I'll definitely be sharing what I find. And the contenders. You should share too!

  3. Thank you, thank you! Just yesterday my back was out of wack (again) and my ladened bag was not helping in the least. Following your blog I dumped everything out and overhauled it all. I loved your idea of "upgrading" so I dug out my beloved Camp Orkila baseball cap (putting her back in her place of honor) and found an adorable pocket umbrella! Can't wait to see your new bag!

  4. This may be a little out of left field, but you did have tampons in your bag. Ever thought of trying the Divacup? It has been one of the best things I ever tried. EVER. : )

    1. Hey there! Sooooo this is definitely tmi but who cares, I was considering it at one point but I while in a public bathroom, I witnessed a woman spilling hers in the stall and it went ecerwhere. Looked like a murder scene. After that I was like um, no thanks. Not a great reason since I've heard it's awesome but nonetheless that experience kept me away. Lol. Thanks for suggesting though!

  5. I am re-reading a book called, "Everything that Remains". It is about minimalism and why to do it. I am a minimalist in clothes, shoes, purses, and living yet I like nice things. I carry a backpack because it is more healthy for the upper body than a weighted purse since it distributes the weight. Plus, it travels well. On small trips like to Whole Foods or the carwash, I carry a small makeup bag although I wear no makeup. It perfectly holds my giant Note 3, glasses, spare battery, and various cards. In the book, they say that well organized people are just another word for hoarders. This has caused me to look more deeply at what I think I MUST have including clothes. I TRULY have a tiny closet. I could fit all in it in my hybrid Prius in one trip! is Joshua's and Ryan's Web blog. It is about more than owning less. Lovely relaunch...

    1. Thank you! I'll have to check out the the site. I would love to know their explanation for organized people being hoarders!
