

Makeup & Skincare: A Tiny Routine

It's actually not that Tiny now that I think about it...  

In fact, I spend a lot more time and energy on my face care and makeup than I do with my hair.

So for those of you who have asked me about my regimen or have commented that my skin tone is very similar to yours, this lil routine may be worthwhile.  At the least, you can see what products and colors I go to everyday to achieve my particular look.  So without further adieu, I'll give you the diet coke version first:  3 steps!

1. concealer

2. bronzer & blush

3.  mascara


Now let me explain....

this is me, no makeup - just a good, hot face wash.  BTW, you'll have to excuse the eyebrows - I am growing them out :(

Anyway, I do the same thing morning and night:

Since my face is used to wetter weather, this new desert scene is really not going over so well.  So I massage a teaspoon of coconut oil all over my face before washing. I use a delicate soap, usually Johnson & Johnson's bath time soap, followed by an intense steam with a wash cloth.  
I run the cloth under very hot water!

At night, I use a balm that my mother makes.  It's chock full of amazing ingredients like shea butter, green tea and tea tree oil and has the texture and thickness of lip balm.  Pretty heavy stuff but it gives me quite a baby face in the morning.

In the morning, I use a lighter moisturizer that my mother brews up as well consisting of various oils like vitamin E.  I require a lot of moisture but have little tolerance for parabens and "extras" that usually come with store-bought face creams so this works for me.

 So, makeup!  Concealer first.  The below two photos shows my daily blue print to achieve a more even tone.

The left photo below shows me with bronzer and blush.  I take my kabuki brush and bronzer and sweep a ring around my face to create a warmer look.  I follow it with very pink blush on my cheeks, chin and nose.  I love a sun-blasted beach look so I love me some bronzer!

The last step shown in the right photo above is mascara.  For me, mascara makes all the difference between having Disney eyes or stick character eyes.  My lashes, though quite long, are very fine and are virtually invisible without mascara.  So it's a go to for sure!

My Daily Tools:
Bobby Brown and M.A.C. are my main besties.  I have literally tried everything else and nothing else comes close to my skin tone and style.  I love these guys!
concealer: M.A.C. NC45 / concealer brush: e.l.f. / bronzer: Bobbi Brown Bronzing Powder Deep 4 / bronzer kabuki brush: e.l.f. / blush: Bobbi Brown Pink Coral #8 / blush brush: M.A.C. 2007 Christmas Edition 168SE /  mascara: Bobbi Brown Extreme Party Mascara (travel size)

Yay, makeup!!


  1. Thanks for sharing your regimen! Do you steam at night or in the morning?

  2. Beautiful. Thanks for the step-by-step formula. I rarely wear makeup; however, I do sometimes want to have a little glam when I dress up.

  3. You have such a dollface!! And I feel the same way: Mascara is everything in my "beauty life". If nothing else, I've gotta have mascara & blush and I'm good to go.

  4. Bobbi Brown Bronzer is my summer go-to. It's such a great non-sparkly product when you need just a hint of color to even everything out. I use coconut + shea butter at night also, it makes my face happy (and less oily in the long run!)

  5. Are your mom made moisturizers available for sale? If so, where?

  6. Thank you so much for the tutorial. I've been looking for a concealer. Someone else mentioned MAC. I heard it covers all skin tones. Never would have thought of the sweep around the face. I wonder if it's recommended to do for darker skin. I guess it could not hurt to try. Everyone wants a "warm" glow. Thanks again.

  7. Don't apologize for you brows, I think they (and you) look beautiful!

  8. Love that your final look is so minimal and natural. Even w/o the makeup you've got great skin--perhaps thanks to your Mom's special concoctions? Which sound just heavenly, by the way.


  9. that is my absolute "go to" face... concealer in all the right places, I thought I was the only one that dabbed it in those places and kept it moving. I rarely ever wore foundation unless I was getting professionally "beat" at a MAC counter, but here in Cali bronzer is the only tint I need!!!

    You look fresh and fabulous as usual...between tiny closet designs and mommas face butter... you both would have a ton of clients!

    -The Momo Momma

  10. You do such an awesome job with makeup application and knowing what works for you!

  11. Hmm, I have been using a tinted moist. by BB because I like a fresh, less is more face. I might have to try these techniques as I am still not sure if the moisturizer is too heavy looking? I live in a really warm, humid climate and less is definitely best.
    Thanks for the it.

  12. i need to try that mascara. your lashes are gorgeous as is your face :) you look so fresh and natural

  13. love how simple and natural your look is!! and for what it's worth, you look great without makeup too!

    randomly found your blog via pinterest and will definitely be adding you to my reader!

  14. I read your blog and found some real interesting facts. Thanks for sharing it. Skin care San Ramon

  15. Your skin tone looks just like mine. I have a bit oily skin and I face difficulty in cleaning my face because every five-ten minutes of washing my face with soap, oil returns near the nose area.

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  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Hi there! Do you mind sharing with us what is in your mother's homemade day/night facial lotions/creams? I am currently looking for a natural solution to moisturizers on my face as that I break out frequently with store brands. Any advice would help - thank you!

    LOVE your are seriously an inspiration and a breathe of fresh air <3<3<3
