

This is 30

It's my birthday.
My 30th birthday, to be exact and I have been waiting for this day since I was 19 years old.  

Why?  Hm, well let's see....  

I've always imagined my thirties to be the more evolved, improved, more attractive version of my twenties.  As I suspected, on my 20th birthday, my twenties did end up being messy, painfully rookie, chock full of mind-boggling growth and awwwwkkkwwwaaaaard.   Whew!  Let's have a do-over, shall we?  Enter my thirties.  The perfect do-over I think.

Yes, yes, so I survived the terrible tumultuous twenties and more importantly, picked up a few special treasures and charms
throughout the decade to thoroughly enjoy for my thirties.  A few of which being:

Self Respect
The art of saying no.  Refinery29 listed this as one of the most important things your 30s teaches you.  It think I got a head start and I plan to master it before the end of this decade.

I finally found something I truly, adoringly believe in.  It's the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I muse over before falling asleep:
Style, fashion and designing clothing.  Took me 30 years to find it and now I'm fixin' to have me some fun!! 

Where would I be without each and every one of them?  If I did anything right during my twenties, it was solidifying some amazing homegirls.
My absolutely fabulous wine cellar of women friends just keep getting better and even more valuable with age.

My Man
He is an incredible force of miraculous love, inspiration and laughter.  I can't imagine a better life than the one I have by his side.

So blah blah blah, on to what I am wearing!  What better day to wear my tutu, wouldn't you say?

It was starting to sulk in the back of my Tiny Closet after I wore it in this post and as I was pondering what to wear for my first day of being 30, I realized - girl you better wear that tutu!  

Of course, in Tiny style, I chose my trusty Catherine Malandrino eyelet dress and my cropped AE denim jacket.
Two items I have paired with numerous other pieces and are very much adored staples. 

So!  For my birthday, I have one humble request for you:
as many of you are already in your 30s and 40s,  I would LOVE to hear what you have to say about it!!

Any advice on entering well-equipped for my 30s, yall?  Any words of warning?  Let me know your secret!

And as always, have an absolutely wonderful week.  Hope you enjoyed your holiday weekend :)


  1. Happy Birthday!!! Your outfit is so happy!

    I am in my late thirties. And the one thing I have learned in this last decade is to truly not care what strangers think of me. I dress how I want, I dance around to whatever I am listening to whenever I want... Who cares who sees me!
    Now my friends's opinions will always matter though because they know me!

  2. Happy Life day, Queen! You make 30 look so attractive...and although I'm pushing 24, I'm anxious for the wisdom that comes with age. Congratulations on everything you have in your life that make you happy to be alive! It's incredible.

    Love the tutu!

    -Chymere Anais

  3. Aww Happy Birthday and welcome to the 30s! I'm fresh in, but so far so good. It's a scary thing, learning yourself at this age while navigating through life trying to be a different, better person. My 30s defining moment actually came at 29, funny enough. It was then that I made some important decisions on allowing what people would think to define who I am. It's a continuous journey. Now let's talk exercising. Phew. This is definitely something I'm noticing that I need to do more of now that I'm 30! Have a WONDERFUL birthday, and an awesome decade!

  4. My thirties: I became more of "Myself" and more comfortable in my skin. The forties; I along with all my girfriends have discovered we are enjoying sex much more!!! LOL Guess this goes along with being more comfortable in our skins....Enjoy!!

  5. I could have sworn you were in your early 20s! Happy birthday! You are glowing!

  6. Happy Birthday!!
    In my 30's I became comfortable in my own skin. In my 20's I allowed(cath that)
    people to do things to me and not speak up. I allowed the male species to treat
    me like I was less than. Basically I learned in my 30's how to say "No"

  7. Well I would say you already have a head start over me...because I CRIED on my 30th birthday...LOL.I wish I had a more positive outlook on it at the time. What I will say is now that I'm about to turn 33..being in the 30's checkbox ain't so bad...what I have learned thus far is that I don't need to try to be anyone else NOR do I have the desire. I am learning to appreciate the talents and skills that the Lord gave ONLY to me..and reveling in my uniqueness.. Happy Birthday lady..enjoy your day..and enjoy the wisdom and growth you've got coming your way!!

  8. Happy Birthday, love, love the tutu!!!! I finally discovered what I really wanted to do career wise in30's, my baking business. I had also gotten my partying out and had my son in my late 20's, so I guess I was actually settled before I was 30 lol, but I am alot more settled and focused in my 30's!!!

    Carsedra of:

  9. First, things first Happy Earthday!!! My I guess I'm too old, I'm 55, but I still love Tiny Closet! Anyway, I barely remember the big things that made me afraid or pause in my 30's, so my advice is stress a lot less, enjoy more, do things that are memorable and avoid things that steal your joy. Already things you do with so much style.

    1. I love this advice - "avoid things that steal your joy"!! And you are definitely not 'too old' :)

      I'm cruising towards 30 in the next year too, and I actually get more excited the closer it gets!! the biggest challenge for me though, is that even as i'm coming into myself and becoming more confident, I still fight with that little voice inside me about where I should be/what I should have "by this point in my life" that totally stresses me out about all the things I DON'T have yet. so i'll probably spend the last of my 20s figuring out how to overcome that!

    2. Ditto for me - that is excellent advice.

      Happy birthday, girlie. I'm knocking on 30 myself and have enjoyed reading others' responses. Here's to a decade of self acceptance, good times and saying "no" more often. If there's anything I hope for, it's the feeling of complete contentment. Wishing the same for you.

  10. you look absolutely adorbz! in your 30's, learn to forgive; both others and yourself. and enjoy!

  11. You look great and super happy! I love the outfit. Happy birthday and I wish you MANY more!


  12. Happy birthday!

    I'm turning 31 in July, and like you, I eagerly awaited turning 30. So far, its been amazing. The greatest thing I can say that 30 gave me was clarity about myself, and finally the courage to not care what other people thought about me & my journey. If you keep those things in mind, and continue to surround yourself with love, you'll be great.

  13. Happy Birthday! I'm 33 and way more comfortable with using my voice for the greater good. You're starting off this decade of your life most awesomely!

  14. Happy Born Day! No shame in anxiously awaiting 30... Just enjoy Every. Single. Moment of it!

  15. I turned 40 last year and I would have never ever guessed it would be this BOSS. I am in the best segment of my life and I didnt expect that when I was young and naive. Instead of rude intrusion, its been a lovely sit down surprise fret with brilliant moments of confidence, passion,comfort celebration and yes, beauty - inside and out. Yet, with all that 'Golden Girl' (lol) that is in me? I can still deliciously startle myself - I LOVE that. You feel this thing you haven't yet felt since a little girl - not caring how you look to others, or what is proper, just doing and wearing what feels good to you. But strategic and classy, lol.

    It can only get better, of that I am sure.

    I wish you all the best on your day Natalie. Discovering your blog has been a real treat. You should know that you are not only inspiring yourself, but others - even those older than you. You have been able to teach me a great lesson about the retention of womanhood, strength, uniqueness, savvy, resourcefulness and freedom. That is quite the accomplishment for any human BEING. Though I only 'know' you from here, it has been a pleasure "knowing" you.

    Love the tutu :)

  16. Happy BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And many more!!

  17. oh and ps. happy birthday!!! i have my fingers and toes crossed that this is also the year those fabulous tiny closet collection pieces will be available to add to MY 'tiny' closet *hint hint* :)

  18. Feliz cumpleanos! Lesson learned? Yes, in my 30s, some things seemed muy importante to the point of great pain and frustration. I have since learned that NOTHING - nada - is as urgent as self love and listening to your instinct in a quiet room. Feliz cumpleanos y mas!

  19. And I was worried about turning 28! You've just reminded me that my best years are yet to come. Thanks Darling! Hope you had a very happy birthday!! Cheers.

  20. Happy Birthday,
    I want a cute birthday dress just like this one. Its the cutest dress I have seen in so long.
    Not yet thirty but one advice: set your own rules and live your life. Be happy.

  21. I turn 49 in October. The best advice I can offer is not sweat the small stuff; say "I love you" at least once a day (and mean it)and to ALWAYS think before speaking.

    Happy Birthday! And thanks for allowing us to share your Tiny Closet...and your world.

  22. Happy 30th to you! I'm not 30 yet, but I have been looking forward to it, for many of the same reasons that you mentioned. My 20s have been fun, a bit messy at times, and yes, awkward at times. I look forward to having a more self-assured decade ahead of me :)

  23. Happy Birthday! Wow 30 that's a big deal at that age I felt like a grown up teenager who was coming into her own. I really discovered that I loved jazz music. lol

    Now that I am in my 50's I look back and say the best is yet to come. Enjoy your day your tutu looks beautiful. :)

  24. Happy Birthday lady! It's the perfect outfit to ring in what I hope will be a great decade for you. You've inspired me to take a more positive look at turning 30 next year.

  25. Oh no, this must have posted after I read the blog yesterday. HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY!!! Your outfit was adorable. A great way to wear the tutu. From what you posted, it seems you have a great start into your 30s. As a women in her mid 40s, I have one word LIVE. Don't waste one minute of your life.

  26. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NAT!!!!!! How exciting! Welcome to the 30s. They will for sure be the best times of your life yet. I've found that I'm more confident, more self-assured, more responsible--and just generally way more bad ass in my 30s than I ever was in my woe-ridden 20s. LOL. You're already embracing your new decade and I think that's the best start you could have. Now just continue to grow in grace and wisdom.

    Absolutely adore you birthday outfit. Tutus are definitely majorly birthday appropriate. xx

  27. Happy Birthday to you!!!!
    You look gorgeous and comfortable in your own skin.
    The 30s are great, and you know what? It only gets better! like this 41 year old woman can attest to :)

  28. I couldn't agree more. In my early 20's I looked at my friend's older siblings with envy; they were the kind of put together I wanted to be. Though I'm not 30 I up and decided at 27 to join the Peace Corps and I've been living in Kenya for about a year now. Here are the life lessons I've learned thus far:
    1.You don't need as much time as you think. Americans are planners. Many of us are in panic mode 2 weeks before a deadline. I have planned (and I mean from start to finish) district wide events in 2 weeks that probably went as smoothly as it would've if I had 6 months.
    2.There is something worse than loneliness, failure or however you would respond to your biggest fear. Shame. If your morality or character will be called into question don’t do it.
    3.The most amazing moments in life come from doing the insane. Now I don’t mean really insane but adventurous or unexpected.
    Happy 30!

    1. This is awesome! I did the same thing at the age of 25...left for Peace Corps/Rwanda, and those were the best 2 years of my life! I learned so much about myself, grew immensely, and just became more confident and comfortable in my own skin. I completely agree with #3, we must continue to live, do the unexpected, push ourselves out of our comfort zone because that's when life really begins.

    2. beautiful. I'm an nominee for the Peace Corps now and awaiting assignment country and departure date. I'm 44 and it was something I wanted to do in my twenties (yet, I was a single mom of a fabulous daughter). Now, she's graduating from college and I'm doing it. What inspiration you ladies are.

  29. Happy birthday fellow Gemini! I too am nearing 30 (5 days away to be exact) and I have been waiting on 30 since 21 for many of the same reasons you listed above. Enjoy and have a fabulous day!

  30. Happy bday Natalie!! OMG you've truly captured what life is all about in your 20's. I agree so much with all you've said. You make 30's so enviable ;) bravo on your big day!
    Wishing you nothing but bigger and better things in this new chapter of your life love!

  31. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 30 looks good on you!

  32. Happy Birthday, doll!

    I'm a few years from 30, so YOU let me know how it goes :-)

  33. Happy belated birthday! Love your blog.

    I'm 36, so I'm well into my 30s, and I can safely say that they have been so much fuller than my 20s. I'm so much more comfortable in my skin. May this year and all that follow be everything that you desire. Continue stylin' on us in your own special way. Oh yeah! Continue to keep people's mouths dropping when they find out your age! LOL. Honestly, that's been one of the highlights of my 30's. ;) I get a kick out of people looking at my ID and going "Really?!?"

  34. Love this post ... Great casual look

  35. Bonne Anniversaire la Poupee :) i wish you a healthy wealthy life.. and the outfit is very chic.. bisous..

  36. You look wonderful as always! And, Happy Birthday to you!

  37. Happy Birthday to you! 30's advise, wisdom, insights? You've nailed them girlfriend. Well done you!

  38. Happy Happy Birthday Ms. Lady. Thirty?? Wow!! A wonderful age to embark upon grace, style and knowledge. As you continue your life journey - you will gain/obtain and utilize wisdom, determination, humility, courage and power. Because you have surrounded yourself with loved ones, girlfriends, brother-men, and family - you will always have wisdom, prayers and support with you. Continue to shine and offer the talents and gifts you possess. Love you.

  39. Happy Birthday Miss thang! Turning 30 is a big milestone and I hope you've enjoyed every little bit of your birthday.
    Its a great feeling turning 30 and feeling accomplished and happy with where you have gotten in life.
    Its also great to see you so happy and filled with joy

  40. Happy Birthday! The best is yet to come. My thirty's were a changing point for me, that's when I realized that life is precious and way too short to concentrate on negative people and situations. It's also a period of self-definition when you don't care about the opinions of others.

  41. Happy (late!) Birthday to you! If there's ever the perfect time to wear a tutu - it's on your 30th! You look great - you're glowing. I think your 30s are going to look good on you :-)

  42. Happy (SUPER BELATED) Birthday love!!!! Let me know what the 30s are like. I'll be there all too soon...

    Krystal K.
    The Feisty House

  43. Happy Belated Birthday! I knew that there was something I liked about you....we share the same birthday! I turned 43 this year.

  44. Happy Belated Birthday once more!!!! Better belated than never as I always say lol, I never say that but congrats! I love hearing about your treasures and charms of the past decade. I'm beginning to fully realize and accept that girlfriends are incredibly important and solidifying those foundations my damndest even though our schedules have us thrown every which way. I agree that it is so important. I love your passion and I think that's such a beautiful discovery you've made. Btw, you look gorgeous! Love that you chose white!

  45. Happy Belated Bday! Live life to the fullest; we never know when our last day will be. Also, do you! No matter what anyone says--do you and be yourself. Blessings!
