

I Got Dressed In The Cab: A Wedding Story

On October 15th, everything that could have gone wrong, did.  
Except for my wedding :)  That went perfectly.

From the moment I awoke in bed, to the moment I got to the wedding two hours late, my day was a show for primetime television.  A bit of awkward Seinfeld mishaps to unplanned friction a la Curb Your Enthusiasm, to shenanigans of The Nanny and a dash of 24.

Stuck in gridlock traffic, I finally came to terms with having to put my wedding dress on, right there in the cab.  Spurting out apologies and directions to the driver as he averted his eyes from the rearview mirror, I managed to emerge unwrinkled and stress-free.  And despite the chaos I went through to arrive in time to walk down the aisle, the force of love and happiness I received when Theo led me through the door was like nothing I'd ever felt in my life.  It was hands down, the happiest day ever.

So first, the man behind The Tiny Closet... or rather in front of it, taking pictures.  He's also the man I married that day:

In signature style, he decided to wear an ascot.  I couldn't have imagined anything better really, his taste is far better than mine.  His blazer and vest are Zara Man.  His ascot, an old hair scarf I used to wear.  "Something borrowed" I suppose.

The Bottlehouse wine bar hosted our ceremony and reception fabulously.  A cozy but urban bar with the best wine in Seattle.  Seriously.

And since I wasn't able to show up for the pre-ceremony photo shoot, I was thankful for all the candids taken by event photography team, Derek Dizon & Sam Weissbach.  Cameras and iPhones were flashing all night long so I decided to put together my favorite candid shots of my dress, and me in it beaming throughout the night.  Enjoy! 

 I wore these fabulous Nodri earrings out last weekend here.  And I found this very special white frock at designer consignment boutique, Driftwood in Seattle's Madrona neighborhood.  Just a block down from where I got married.  It's vintage two-piece Max Mara made in Italy.  Apparently, it had been altered for a woman almost exactly my size.  Even though I'd already made specific plans for my dress, when I tried this on during a routine shopping trip, I knew it had to be the one.

My ring is a custom WS Jewelry Design.  A collaboration between Whitney Stern and Theo of pave diamonds with an off-center sapphire.  The band is "something old" passed down to me from my mother.  Can you tell I love gold?  Can you??

A lot of family and friends took amazing photos and Instagrams so I must show a few!

And some of my gorgeous girlfriends.  Each and every one of them have such a unique style.  Inspiration is definitely not hard to come by in their company.

So besides our registry gifts, a new dress that I'll be altering to wear later, and some great lashes that I'm now addicted to seeing on my face,  things are all back to how I left them.  
Just as I planned :)

The End
Photos (except for Instagram collection) by Derek Dizon & Sam Weissbach

Hope you enjoyed and thanks so much for visiting The Tiny Closet!


  1. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing this with us. :)- Melissa from Toronto

  2. Sooo beautiful! this post I have been waiting with abated breath for.
    and how lovely to finally see the man behind the lens, definitely a surprise.
    You guys are beautiful, congratulations again.

  3. Awww. You look fantastic and what a dapper man you married. You day looked like the best day ever. Reminds me of my wedding day. Intimate and perfect. Thanks for sharing and congratulations.

  4. Awwww! You both look fantastic and so happy! Congratulations! :)

  5. congratulations lovely!! You look so fabulous and Theo is quite handsome. Kudos and lots of love and happiness to you two.

  6. Congratulations you GORGEOUS couple!!!

  7. omg i swear this post almost made me cry, you both look beautiful like the perfect couple

  8. God bless the union of your souls!! It's obvious the two of you are friends. The pics are LOVELY...thanks for sharing!

  9. you would never know everything you went through beforehand. you look gorgeous and that man of yours is gorge too :) thanks for sharing!

  10. o p.s. how cute that he wore your old hair scarf!

  11. Theo is really Handsome! congrats! I wish you guys the best!

  12. O.M.G. You look stunning, and your hubby looked so handsome! You guys look so happy, I'm glad that your day went well, even though it started off kind of wacky LOL!

    I wish you two all the best!


  13. You looked absolutely gorgeous! Probably the most gorgeous bride I've ever seen and you dress is sooo divine and you can definitely wear it again. You both look like a beautiful stylish couple and with combination of both your hair, you children will have the most amazing hair ever...Okay, too much? lol. I'm just inlove with the pictures. happy married life...

  14. WOW. The words that come to mind when I see these pictures are: simple and practical. Which are 2 things that I am. I mean what's the point in wearing a dress for one day which you'll probably never wear again? Your dress on the other hand reflects practicality because it's so versatile, you can wear it to a different event and so many things can be done with it, which is probably what you were cleverly aiming for. I love it! Also, your husband is the most beautiful groom I've seen, you both complement each other. And my gosh it's like that dress was made for you.

    Congratulations to both of you and I hope your marriage is a well fulfilled one (:

  15. Congratulations. You are a beautiful couple.

  16. Ok I don't how I missed this but I just wanted to say that you looked BEAUTIFUL!!! Your husband looked very handsome as well! Congrats to both of you and here's to you having a happy and long lived married life!!

  17. So beautiful! Congratulations, you are a beautiful couple!!!

  18. I just discovered your blog and I adored your wedding dress!! You looked beautiful. stay FLYY. live FLYYER.

  19. So moved by this! Could feel the love through this page.!

  20. I think I may have cried a little on the inside...This is one of the prettiest weddings I've ever seen (pictures of). The dress fits like a glove, the ring is absolutely stunning and everything an engagement ring should be, and you and Mr. Theo make an absolutely DASHING couple. I just love it all. I never gave much thought to my future wedding, but when I see photography and style like this, I can't help but to be inspired. Gorgeous.

    -Chymere Anais

  21. This is a beautiful post :) I am blessed to have run into it.
    BTW I love how everyone in the comments is trying to be so PC about saying--your husband is HOT!! YOU GO GIRL!! :-P

    All the best to you both!! Long happy lovely wishes!

  22. I looked at the pictures over and over again. LOVE IT!

  23. Omg I love everything about this wedding

  24. The the dress, love the ring, love the story. Thanks for allowing us to share your life.

  25. I heart the earrings of the bride. These are matching with her dress and she’s also very striking. The wedding ring has also grand style.
    essex wedding venues

  26. this is so incredibly beautiful and precisely how I would do it as well. Still to this day I have NO idea what my wedding or dress would look like. Its just not me lol

    Oh and if you look at your stats today and they have escalated, its becasue of me. I literally have been on it ALL DAY... love your words, style, pics!

  27. This is beautifull! prefect wedding your way with gorgeous photographs! Love it!

  28. I've never seen your wedding story before (though I have seen one of the photos on tumblr!). It looks like such a wonderful day filled with more love than anyone can handle. You and your hubby look gorgeous--but you look like yourselves. Even though we've never met in person I can "feel" the two of you in this; in other words, it's not cookie cutter and I think that's perfection. Congrats again on the anniversary of this very special day. xxk

  29. Hi
    Wonderful post!!! I found my dress awhile ago and I absolutely love it! These are great times for curvy brides. I had to remind myself to breathe too bc I was so stressed about finding that "perfect dress Bridesmaid dresses

  30. That was a beautiful wedding dress. I have now lived to see my wedding, my daughters, and even my grand-daughters. It has been a blessed life. It's amazing to see the big differences between all the different dresses. They sure have evolved over the years.

  31. Very Nice! Every moment is memorable and Wish you both nice an amazing life ahead. I am looking for a online shopping website where I can sell wedding dress. Do you have any idea?
